Il nostro segreto - Unser Geheimnis - Our secret - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.80x80
Tra cielo e terra - Zwischen Himmel und Erde - Between earth and sky - Acrylic on a background of matter on canvas - cm.120x70
Una sottile armonia – Eine subtile Harmonie - A subtle harmony - Mixed media on canvas - cm. 80x80
Un viaggio dentro di te - Eine reise in dein Inneres – A journey inside you - Tecnica mista su tela - cm.70x100
Memoria di vite vissute - Erinnerung an gelebte Leben - Memory of lived lives - Mixed m. on bas-relief on canvas - cm. 80 x 100
La carezza della memoria - Die Liebkosung der Erinnerung - The caress of memory - Mixed media on bas-relief on canvas - cm. 80 x 100
Amore in codice - Liebe im code - Love in code - Mixed media on bas-relief on board - cm.60x60
Quando i fiori parlano - Wenn die Blumen sprechen - When the flowers speak - Mixed media on canvas - cm. 90x70
Blue water - Mixed media on canvas - cm. 80 x 100
La simmetria dei desideri - Die Symmetrie der Wünsche - The symmetry of desires - Mixed media on canvas - cm. 100x70
Incontro nella campagna del lago – Treffen in der Landschaft des Sees – Meeting in the countryside of the lake - Mixed media on canvas - cm. 80 x 80
Un giorno attraverseremo quel ponte - Werden wir eines Tages diese Brücke überqueren - One day we’ll get over that bridge - Mixed media on a multi-material basis on canvas - cm. 80x80
Cristalli nel cielo del Garda – Kristalle am Himmel des Gardasees – Crystals in the sky of Lake Garda - Oil ad mixed m. on canvas - cm. 70x100
Nasce il giorno sul Garda - Tagesanbruch am Gardasee - Day rises on Garda lands - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm. 60 x 80
Sulle onde del destino - Auf den Wellen des Schicksals - On the waves of fate - Oil and mixed m. on canvas - cm. 60 x 100
Il potere dei sogni – Die Kraft der Träume – The power of dreams - Mixed m. on canvas - cm. 80x100
Lettera ad un poeta - Brief an einen Dichter - Letter to a poet - Mixed media on canvas - cm. 70 x 70
L’origine dell’infinito – Der Ursprung der Unendlichkeit - The origin of infinity - Oil and mixed m. on canvas - cm. 70x100 (Huldigung für R.S.)
Le onde del tempo - Die Wellen der Zeit - The waves of time - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm. 65 x 100
Torneranno le rondini - Die Schwalben werden zurückkommen - The swallows will return - Oil and mixed m. on canvas - cm. 70 x 90 (Omaggio a F.F.)
Il canto del lago - Das Lied des Sees - The song of the lake - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm. 50 x 90
Nello specchio del presente – Im Spiegel dem Gegenwart - In the mirror of the present - Mixed media on canvas - cm. 80 x 100
Sole al porto - Sonne am Hafen - Sun on the port - Mixed media on canvas - cm. 90 x 70
Soffiano venti antichi – Uralte Winde wehen – Ancient winds blow - Oil and mixed m. on canvas - cm. 80 x 100 (Huldigung für D.F.)