Il sussurro del lago - Das Flüstern des Sees - The whisper of the lake - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100
Tu sei il mio blu - Du bist mein Blau - You are my blue - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm. 80x80
Sogno di una notte d’estate – Träume von einer Sommernacht - A sommer night's dream - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100
Il filo della nostra storia - Der Faden unserer Geschichte - The thread of our story - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.60x100
Gli anni del nostro amore - Die Jahre unserer Liebe - The years of our love - Mixed media on canvas - cm.70x90 (Huldigung für B.K.)
Un nuovo approdo – Ein neuer Landeplatz – A new landing place - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.80x60
Sotto azzurri cieli – Unter blauem Himmel – Under blue skies - Oil and mixed media on grained canvas mounted on board - cm.49x69
Una promessa in riva al lago - Ein Versprechen am Ufer des Sees - A promise on the shore of the lake - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100
Eco d’estate sul lago – Sommerecho auf dem See – Summer echo on the lake - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100
Dolce acqua del lago - Süßes Wasser des Sees - Sweet water of the lake - Olio e tecnica mista su tela - cm.70x90 - 2025
Dove l'alba fiorisce - Wo die Morgenröte blüth - Where the dawn blooms - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm. 80x60 - 2025
Semplicemente amore - Einfach Liebe - Simply love - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x70 - 2025
Sole italiano - Italienische Sonne - Italian sun - Oil and mixed media on a background of matter - cm.60x100
Cuore e colore - Herz und Farbe - Hearth and color - Mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100
Il labirinto della memoria - Das Labyrinth der Erinnerung - The labyrinth of memory - Mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100
Il racconto dell'anima - Die Geschichte der Seele - The tale of the soul - Oil on a background of matter - cm.80x100
Come immaginare l'inimmaginabile - Wie man sich das Unvorstellbare vorstellt - How to imagine the unimaginable - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.80x80
Memoria di vite vissute – Erinnerung an gelebte Leben – Memory of lived lives - Mixed media on canvas - cm.70x90
La trama del nostro cammino - Die Handlung unseres Lebensweges - Mixed media on a background of matter on canvas - cm.120x80