La luce che resta - Das Licht, daß bleibt - The light that remains - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100
Ogni volta noi – Jedes Mal, wir – Each time, us - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.100x70
Tutta la vita che vuoi - Das ganze Leben, das du willst - All the life you want - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.100x60
Insieme al chiaro di luna - Zusammen im Mondlicht - Together in the moonlight - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x90
Insieme oltre l’orizzonte - Gemeinsam über den Horizon hinaus – Together beyond the Horizon - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x90
Io ti aspetto qui - Ich warte hier auf dich - I'll wait for you here - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x50
Pontile sul Lago di Garda - Steg über den Gardasee - Wharf at Garda Lake - Oil on board - cm.50x50
Lettera dal passato – Brief aus der Vergangenheit – Letter from the past - Oil on a background of matter on canvas on board - cm.65x78
Tu ed io - Du und ich - You and I - Oil on bas-relief on board - cm.53x60
Il labirinto della memoria - Das Labyrinth der Erinnerung - The labyrinth of memory - Mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100
Giallo sulle terre del Garda – Gelb in den Ländern des Gardasees – Yellow on Garda lands - Mixed m. on canvas - cm. 90x90
Estate italiana - Italienischer Sommer - Italian summer - Mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100
Il nostro amore sulle onde della vita - Unsere Liebe auf den Wellen des Lebens - Our love on the waves of life - Mixed media on canvas - cm.100x120
Un caffè insieme - Ein Kaffee zusammen - A coffee together - Mixed media on canvas - cm. 60 x 80
Finalmente insieme - Endlich zusammen - Finally together - Mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100
Io conosco il canto dell’Africa – Ich kenne das Lied von Afrika – I know the song of Africa - Painting-sculpture, oil on Bologna plaster - cm.53x60
L'estate è tornata – Der Sommer ist zurück – Summer is back - Mixed media on canvas - cm. 60x80
Nella luce del giorno - Bei Tageslicht - In daylight - Oil on bas-relief on board - cm.100x60
Sera sulle terre del Garda - Gardaseelandschaft am Abend - Evening comes over Garda lands - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.60x100
La forma della luce – Die Form des Lichts – The form of light - Mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100
Nella luce del lago – Im Licht des Sees – In the light of the lake - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100
La linea madre - Die Mutterlinie - The mother line - Oil and Mixed media on canvas - cm.-70x100
Non per sempre ma ogni giorno - Nicht für immer, aber jeden Tag - Not forever but every day - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.80x80
Lettere al di là del lago - Briefe von jenseits des Sees - Letters beyond the lake - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100
Luci e colori sulle colline del Garda -Lichter und Farben auf den Hügeln des Gardasees - lights and colours of the hills of Garda - Oil and mixed m. on canvas - cm.80x100 (Huldigung für D.F.)
Una storia che cambia la vita - Eine lebensverändernde Geschichte - A life-changing story - Mixed media on canvas - cm.100x100
Insieme in cammino – Unterwegs zusammen – On the way together - Mixed media on canvas - cm.80x80
Storia di due anime – Geschichte zweier Seelen – Story of two souls - Mixed media on canvas - cm.100x70
Il riflesso di noi – Das Spiegelbild von uns - The reflection of us - Mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100
La Sibilla Delfica - Die Delphische Sibylle -The Delphic Sibyl (Sistine Chapel – Michelangelo, 1509) - Oil on canvas - cm.40x30