Mattino di sole sul lago di Garda - Sonniger Morgen am Gardasee - Sunny morning on Lake Garda - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.40x40
Un luminoso mattino – Ein strahlender Morgen - A bright morning - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.60x60
La culla del lago - Die Wiege des Sees - The cradle of the lake - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.40x40
Estate nella campagna italiana – Sommer auf dem italienischen Land – Summer in the italian countryside - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.20x60
Serata romantica sul lago di Garda – Romantischer Abend am Gardasee – Romantic evening on Lake Garda - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x120
Cristalli di luce sul lago – Lichtkristalle auf dem See –
Light of crystals on the lake - Oil on a background of matter on canvas - cm.80x100
Dove ci portano i ricordi - Wohin Erinnerungen uns füren - Where memories take us - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x90
Ogni spazio felice – Jeder glückliche Platz – Every happy space - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.80x60
Il canto del lago - Das Lied des Sees - The song of the lake - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.60x100
La bellezza del sole - Die Schönheit der Sonne - The beauty of the sun - Mixed media on canvas - cm.90x70
Tre volte te - Dreimal du - Three times you - Oil and mixed media on board - cm.72x72 frame included
Attimi d'amore - Momente der Liebe - Moments of love - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100
Il potere dei sogni – Die Kraft der Träume – The power of dreams - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.100x100
Amarti è troppo poco – Dich zu lieben ist nicht genug - Loving you is not enough - Mixed media on a background of matter on canvas - cm. 100x100
Creare mondi - Creating worlds - Welten erschaffen - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.95x115
Non c'è punto ove non veda te - Es ist keine Stelle, die dich nicht sieht - There is no point where I don't see you - Mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100 (Huldigung für N.D.)
Sogni - Träume - Dreams - Mixed media on canvas - cm.60x100
E' tempo di fiorire - Es ist Zeit zu blühen - It's time to bloom - Mixed media on canvas mounted on board - cm.40x78
Onde di luce sul lago - Lichtwellen auf dem See - Waves of light on the lake - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100
Una luce quando è ancora notte - Ein Licht, wenn es noch Nacht ist - A light while it's still night - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100
Poesia del pittore – Gedicht des Malers – Painter’s poetry - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100 (Huldigung für H.W.)
E sotto di noi il lago azzurro - Und unter uns der blaue See - And below us the blue lake - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100
Un viaggio dentro di te - Eine Reise in dein Inneres - A journey inside you - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100
Non importa dove - Egal wo - No matter where - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.60x70
In qualche luogo della mia memoria – Irgendwo in meiner Erinnerung – Somewhere in my memory - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.60x80
Vele al porto - Segel im Hafen - Sails at the port - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100
Il sigillo del cielo - Das Siegel des Himmels - The seal of Heaven - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x70 (Huldigung für P.W.)
La radice del sole - Die Wurzel der Sonne - The root of the sun - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.60x60
Colori d'estate sul lago - Sommerfarben am See – Summer colors on the lake - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm. 60x60
Un soffio caldo sul lago - Ein warmer Hauch auf dem See - A warm breath on the lake - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.60x20 - 2024
Poesia del lago - Poesie des Sees - Poetry of the lake - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.80x80
City - Mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100
Tra di noi una vita intera - Ein ganzes Leben zwischen uns - A whole life between us - Mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100 - (Huldigung für A.B.)