Insieme sul ponte della vita - Gemeinsam auf der Brüke des Lebens - Mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100
Prima che parlino le pietre - Bevor die Steine sprechen - Before the stones speak -Oil on bas-relief on board - cm.80x100
Magia della luce sul lago di Garda - Die Magie des Lichts am Gardasee - Oil and Mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100
Il vecchio e il mare - Der Alte Mann und das Meer - Oil on bas-relief on board - cm. 70x90 (Tribute to Hemingway)
E i due sono uno solo - Und die zwei sind eins - And the two are only one - Oil and Mixed media on bas-relief on board - cm.52x71
In tutto c'è bellezza - In allem gibt es Schönheit - In all there is beauty - Mixed media on canvas - cm.-30x40
Geometrie di un amore - Geometrien einer Liebe - Geometries of a love - Mixed media on canvas - cm.60x100
I gradini dell'amore - Die Schritte der Liebe - The steps of love - Oil and Mixed media on bas-relief on board - cm.43x63
La chiave dei nostri ricordi - Der Schlüssel zu unseren Erinnerungen - The key to our memories - Mixed media on canvas - cm.80x100
Anima e forme - Seele und Formen - Soul and forms - Mixed media on canvas - cm.70x90
Quando il pensiero supera il gesto - Wenn der Gedanke die Geste überwindet - Oil painting-sculpture - cm.50x50
Incontriamoci al lago - Treffen wir uns am See - Let's meet at the lake - Oil and Mixed media on canvas - cm.60x90
La natura geniale - Die geniale Natur - The ingenious nature - Oil and Mixed media on bas-relief on board - cm.80x100
Tutta la vita che vuoi - Das ganze Leben, das du willst - All the life you want - Oil and Mixed media on canvas - cm.70x100
Ti seguirò fuori dall'acqua - Ich will dir aus dem Wasser folgen - I'll follow you out of the water - Oil and Mixed media on canvas - cm.60x100
Ogni anno in settembre - Alljährlich im September - Every year in September -Oil on canvas on board - cm.47x71
Canto dell'acqua al mattino - Lied vom Wasser am Morgen - Song of the water in the morning - Oil and on canvas - cm.70x70
When a man loves a woman - Wenn ein Mann eine Frau liebt - on canvas - cm.80x90
La teoria del gioco - Die Theorie des Spiels - The theory of play - Oil on bas-relief on canvas - cm.50x50
Il senso della dissonanza II - Das Gefuhl der Dissonanz II - The sense of dissonance II - Oil on bas-relief on canvas - cm.50x50
Verona All'ingresso della basilica di S.Zeno - Am Eingang zur Basilika S. Zeno - At the entrance of S.Zeno - Oil on canvas on board - cm. 37x37
Niente è fuori posto - Nichts ist fehl am Platz - Oil and mixed media on canvas - cm.70x70
Più in alto del giorno - Hoher als der Tag - Higher above the day - Oil and on canvas - cm.100x70
La via della bellezza - Der Weg der Schönheit - The way of beauty - Oil and mixed media on canvas -cm.70x90